Friday 1 November 2013

Week 3

A) Essential Factors in The Chain of Infection:

1. Infectious Agent e.g; Bacteria, virus
2. Reservoir eg; Human, Animal
3. Portal of Exit e.g; Blood, saliva
4. Mode of Transmission e.g; Airborne transmission, Droplet transmission
5. Portal of Entry e.g; Normal body opening (nostrils, mouth), Abnormal opening (cuts, insect bites)
6. Susceptible Host e.g; HIV, Leukemia

B) Nursing Interventions to Break The Chain Of infection:

Breaking The Chain of Infection

1. Between Infectious Agent & Reservoir:
  • Cleaning
  • Disinfection
  • Sterilization

2. Between Reservoir & Portal of Exit:

  • Use proper hygiene
  • Change dressings
  • Clean linens
  • Clean equipments

3. Between Portal of Exit & Mode of Transmission:
  • Clean dressing over wounds
  • Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

4. Between Mode of Transmission & Portal of Entry:
  • Apply hand hygiene
  • Proper disposal of contaminated objects
  • Apply medical and surgical asepsis
  • Wear gloves, masks, gowns, and goggles (PPE) 

5. Between Portal of Entry & Susceptible Host:
  • Proper disposal of needles or sharps
  • Apply sterile technique

6. Between Susceptible Host & Infectious Agent:
  • Eat proper nutrition
  • Do daily exercise
  • Keep body Immunize (through immunization)